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Becoming a Soul-Infused Personality

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, your God-seed atom/I Am presence is your original core intelligence, your first individualized identity within a universal or subuniversal experience.

The Omnipotent Potential of Coherent Wave Amplification

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light. We greet you warmly and lovingly in this eternal moment of now. Indeed, we sense each of you personally at the specific time in which your eyes read these words.

Cosmic Consciousness and a Sense of Scale

Jeff Michaels

As above, so below. With these words, we acknowledge the perceived separation that many in the family human possess. Yet you comprehend the ability to communicate with one another from points at a great distance from each other on the planet.

Experiencing the New Earth

Archangel Sandalphon, Archangel Gabriel, and Yahe a e al
Kimberly Powers

Beloved beings, intent is such a key this year. We know each January that you celebrate by setting intentions of weight loss, trying to be healthy in what you eat, but think beyond the limited view of your own focus. Set the intent for that which you wish to see happen on the planet.

The Power Number 8 in 2015

Higher Self
Carolyn Gervais

"What is life for?" you have asked. Life, of course, is about constant change, as most of you have figured out. Yet change is what frightens people more than anything.

Be a Peace-Commanding Presence on Earth

Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Star Hinman

Jeshua (Jesus): For those of you on Earth, the message from all of us in the ascended realms of truth and love is this: You have the power to shift Earth from a planet of fear and violence to one of love for your fellow human beings simply by being who you really are — a peace-co

Your Creations Are the Answers to Your Desires

Mary Magdalene and the Yaheal
Kimberly Powers

Loved ones, it is in your own eyes that relationships exist. February is a time when you view the romance of relationships, so it is a perfect time to experience all relationships in this way.

Making Space for the New Empowered Human

The group
Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, dear ones. It is such a joy to be with you all. There is a large family that has gathered again and again here on planet Earth. The Family of Light — you can call it a number of different things. We call it the Family of E, lightworkers.

You Can Create New Solutions

The Guardian Council of the Golden and Platinum Rays
Jill Renee Feeler

I love to offer a fresh perspective on things, often in a playful manner. I laugh with my team a lot as I realize things from a new angle. Something came up recently that I wanted to offer you, as you might smile (and expand) as well.

The Year of Light

Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon

Beloved students, I greet you this month at a time when U.S. citizens are being called to look more deeply into the matter of racial inequities. Indeed, these are troubling times that ask each citizen to examine his or her own heart profoundly.


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