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The New Age of Enlightenment

Lady Portia and Saint Germain
Star Hinman

Greetings, dear ones. It is indeed our distinct pleasure to have this opportunity to address many of you now. Both Portia and I treasure these moments of communication with each of you.

The Delicate Balance

Archangel Michael and the Brotherhood of Light
Athene Raefiel

As you move through the intense energies and actions now taking place within you and around you, you still strive to find the balance that creates the abundant love of spirit. Through all the heartache, pain, sadness, anger, anxiety, and grief, spirit still stands pristine and illuminated.

Embracing Love Incarnate

Cathy Chapman

Good afternoon, dear ones. How wonderful to have you here and for you to be here. There are some of you who have not experienced my energy in this way. All of you have experienced my love because I am Amma, the divine mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. You grew in my womb.

The Beginning of Quantum Life

Master Kuthumi
Lynette Leckie-Clark

I, Kuthumi, now enter your field of higher awareness. As you approach your linear year of 2012, many of the changes you have experienced in the previous years will be consolidated in your mind and therefore also consolidated into matter on a physical level.

The Power of Women to Give Life, Love, and Healing

Cathy Chapman

Good morning, dear ones. I like to see all these love incarnates sitting here in front of me. Many of you don't know what a love incarnate is, and you don't know that you are a love incarnate. Well, you were created from love.

Establishing the "New Current-cy"

Divine Wisdom
Annie Botticelli

The old monetary system symbolized by currency is indeed toppling. Remember first and foremost that this is because your individual value systems are being transformed, and since you live in a holographic reality, what is inside is outside. So above, so below.

An Older Zeta Vehicle Creates an Unintended Effect

Zeta Scientist
Robert Shapiro

Greetings. This photo represents an aftereffect of a transference of energy associated with a vehicle that moved from your world into another one. Sometimes such photographs are taken, and other times sensitives—your own people or other species on your planet—can see such a phenomenon.

The Third Wave of Empowerment: Harmony

The group
Steve Rother

We tell you, home, heaven—whichever words you wish to describe where you are originally from—has changed. It has changed in anticipation of your movement on planet Earth. Each and every one of you have gotten closer to home through your own evolutionary process.

Embrace Your Power Instead of Fearing It

Dwhal Khul
Catherine Weser

A question arises about emotions and passions and how they operate in a state of stillness. We'll start with a discussion of emotion in general. Emotion is simply energy in motion.

Eight Mayan Revelations for 2012 and Beyond

Archangel Zadkiel and the Ascended Masters at Lake Atitlan
Sri Ram Kaa

The call of the ascended masters' abode at Lake Atitlan inspired our move to Guatemala. The crystalline energy and cosmic wisdom that is gifted through this presence has touched many hearts. The energy here changes lives!


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