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You Are Creating the Future of Ascension

You Are Creating the Future of Ascension The Celestial White Beings through Natalie Glasson

Your vision of present and future realities on Earth is immensely important in this time of ascension. You are present as a physical being on this planet to create. Your greatest purpose is to manifest the Creator through every expression, action, and reaction you generate. This has always been the case; however, the era of love (which manifested from 2012) signals all souls to begin their processes of creation with the Creator, akin to a spider beginning to weave its web. The Creator is inviting you to realize your abilities of creation by putting them into action to weave the truth of the Creator into your reality and the consciousness of humanity.

It is time to realize that you are the one who has the power to create the levels, experiences, and transitions of ascension of the future. Are you ready to take responsibility and form the ascension of your present and future? Do you know what you wish for, what you are being invited to create? These powerful questions require your contemplation.

Manifest Spiritual Evolution
on Earth
