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All Life on Earth Is Being Transformed to Benevolence as Beings from Many Galaxies Focus Benevolence on Earth

All Life on Earth Is Being Transformed to Benevolence as Beings from Many Galaxies Focus Benevolence on Earth Gosana and Reveals the Mysteries and Grandfather through Robert Shapiro

I’ll give you my title and my name, but I won’t differentiate which is which. I am Gosana.

Okay, welcome.

Thank you. You, you are of this world. I don’t see how you can tolerate it, but our people and just about everybody else who used to come to look at your planet — in the past, it was considered to be what you would call a park except that things were not meant to be touched. That was respected for millions of years, but then for some reason, some people started coming and touching things and even taking things, which changed everything. Your scientists understand that when something is in a state of normalcy, that normalcy, if disturbed in any way externally, can still cause issues inside that normalcy. If something barges into that normalcy, everything will change.

Even if someone were only to step on something or to pass a hand through something (meaning the air or the earth), it would seem like nothing to you because your lives are constantly involved in such invasions. Thus, you’ve adapted to it. But if the environment was isolated and meant to be looked at only from a distance — and even if magnification were used to examine things (not too closely because life forms get uncomfortable when they think they’re being watched. Instinct probably is the issue there) — if that’s all it was meant for (a beautiful place to look at briefly if you could and enjoy the beauty of it), then as I said, people who didn’t understand the purpose started landing and walking around and taking things and changed everything.
