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Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

Dear Lauri,

Animal Whisperer

Your Ever-Loving Pets
Kim Malonie

Dear Kim,

I would like a consultation with my Himalayan who crossed over. Her name fit her so much (it was Angel), and I have some questions.

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

This is the time of year when the young kids go back to school and bigger kids go back to work. It is a time to reset and recommit to school or work, giving us a surge of purpose and motivation. We feel refreshed by the summer and look forward to a deeper sense of structure. We like the focus.

Animal Whisperer

Your Ever-Loving Pets
Kim Malonie

Pet Perspectives on a Family in Crisis

Dear Kim,

Medical Intuitive

Stacey Mayo

Note: The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.

Ask the Angels

the Angels
Cheryl Gaer Barlow

How does the way we react to our enemies differ from the way God wants us to behave? Aren’t we supposed to get rid of the enemy as quickly as possible? What do the angels say about this? I’m not just talking about countries but mean people you run into, coworkers, anyone against you.

Shamanic Wisdom

Jan Engels-Smith

Behind the Portal

In April 1998, I was in Egypt with a group of shamanic practitioners. We had traveled to this ancient land for its mystical history of alchemy and connection to the spiritual realms.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

May sleep envelop you as a bed sheet floating gently down, tickling your skin and removing every worry, reminding you to consider only this moment.

— Jeb Dickerson

Dear Lauri,

World Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

Bat Prayers

Benevolent Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

Special Note: My latest book, Atlantis & Lemuria: The Lost Continents Revealed!, will be released in September. But you can preorder your copy through Light Technology Publishing, and it will be shipped to you as soon as it’s printed.


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