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The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

You are in a constant state of restoration and healing. Let go of any energy that brings you down, and make it your intention to direct your attention to thoughts that focus on solutions and cooperation.

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

I was playing with some popular angel oracle cards not too long ago. As I flipped through the cards, getting ready to make a specific query, the “yes card” popped out. I was intrigued due to how rarely we get such a specific and definitive answer.

The Empath's Portal

The Heart of the Mother
Sarah Weiss

The Heart of the Mother: Streaming from my heart is a waterfall of light flowing as the Milky Way into your world. Follow its path back, like steppingstones through the stars to your star nation.

The Empath's Portal

The Heart of the Mother
Sarah Weiss

The Heart of the Mother: Streaming from my heart is a waterfall of light flowing as the Milky Way into your world. Follow its path back, like steppingstones through the stars to your star nation.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Sue: My daughter’s dog Java is five and a half years old and currently living in Western Australia. My daughter and her family are moving to Canada with him. They will have their home, but they, of course, will be here visiting.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed I was in a car with my family. A camel was in the car with us. It licked my neck near my ear, and I woke up terrified! What does this mean? —Mahsa

Ask the Angels

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

From the angels: Don’t be afraid to love deeply. Let yourself feel and your eyes tear up. Be vulnerable to the world. When you love, you will find there is no end but the peaceful remnants of loving and forgiving.

Traditional Insights into Yoga

Mally Paquette

Manipura, also known as the city of jewels, is the navel and solar plexus chakra as well as your umbilical cord. It is such a well of energy and where we dig to discover our rare gems. The brilliant, sunfloweryellow etheric disk delivers vitality and strength.

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

Diiyin: Prayers become reality over the next four years, as lifeway begets a healing way that recalibrates light dimensions. Kinship relations — the concept of K’e gotáh and responsible family — come to the forefront. Ihí’dá’l, second life is here.

March’s Prayers

Benevolent Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.


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