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The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

things, the things you look at change.” — Max Planck

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

When we hear the word “judgment,” it brings up so many negative connotations. We are being “judgy” when we feel as if we’re not enough or doing something wrong, as well as when we hold others in a negative light or aspire to impossible and improbable standards.

Traditional Insights into Yoga

Mally Paquette

In Western culture at this time on the planet, we are not taught to look within. Humans are distracted with their five senses and obsessed with material wealth. Most of us look outside ourselves for value and worth instead of asking the inner self for acknowledgement and acceptance.

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

“Intention” — it’s a word that gets loosely thrown around in spiritual circles these days. We set our intention to _____.

The Empath's Portal

The Heart of the Mother
Sarah Weiss

I am the heart of creation. I sparked your seeds, and you grew within the womb of my earth body. My source is your source; my lineage is yours. Every being is the embodied creator and the channel for the creative forces of life. Return to my heart for sustenance and renewal.

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

Welcome to Akashic Answers for February 2022. This month, I will be reviewing questions regarding love, happiness, and soul connection. February is often the month of the year in which we remind ourselves that love is within and around us. The akashic field resonates with and responds to love.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Grizzly’s mom: Grizzly is a twentymonth-old puppy. I have had him since he was eight weeks old. He is not neutered, and he eats raw food. Here are the questions I would like to ask:
• Does he like his food?
• Why doesn’t he eat sometimes?

Benevolent Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

The information herein is for educational purposes only. The content of this article should not be used to give medical advice or to prescribe any form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I was stuck in a tree with giant bears trying to get me. There were people stuck in other trees. I was solo in my tree with a few bears below. These were not ordinary bears; they were far larger. I remember being more excited than scared. I escaped in the end, but I don’t think everyone did.

Ask the Angels

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

I’m going through a lot of pain right now because my boyfriend dumped me. I want the angels to help me get through this terrible hurt, but how do I do this? What do the angels have to say about this?” — Sheri, email question


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