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Allow Creator to Breathe You In

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Go Forth and Choose

Expanded Consciousness
Miriandra Rota

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

I Am Freedom!

Jeanne d'Arc
Star Hinman

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Multidimensional Mathematics

Omnidimensional Beings
Kathy Wilson

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

The Harmonics of the Emerging Creation

Wisdom of the Universe
Judith K. Moore

Earth has experienced a time shift that has changed the nature of reality. Every aspect of existence has just shifted. The time shift is called galactic 13-quantum 7.

Begin the Delivery Process from the Womb of Gaia

The Cosmic Essene Brethren with Yeshua
Sri Ram Kaa

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

The Nation of Humanity

Archangel Metatron
James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you with love, unconditional love. So this wonderful day we gather for a message to the "nation of humanity" and to the United Nations. We pause to fill this space, this timing with the cosmic light of unconditional love.

The Laws of Consciousness

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

You Are Ready to Embark on Your True Mission

Archangel Michael

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

There Are People on Jupiter!

Founder, Zoosh, and Elder of Jupiter
Robert Shapiro

I am one of the Founders.



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