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Let Your Guidance Flow without Interpretation

Miriandra Rota

Greetings, lovely beings. I am Teacher, and I come forth to have a little chat so that we can merge together and come to a more expanded consciousness of what is truth and what has been portrayed to be truth.

Love Is a Verb

Observer and Merlia
Steve Rother

Observer: My eyes fill with wonder when I look from afar, because what I see first is love. That is the most important connection we bring you so that you can see it in yourself. A gathering of spirits is taking place on Earth.

Humans Help to Shape Creation

Wendy Rowley

Dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of Cosmic Service, the Pleiadian Mother of Sound. Peace be with you this day. We would like to speak about what is happening at the level of the creational energy based on the changes at the periphery of the planet and how humans affect creation.

The Revolution of the Heart

Yeshua of the Sacred Heart
Carlos Rubio

Greetings, my dear friends. Before light can be perceived, anything that blocks it must be removed. Never before in the history of your world has your reality been closer to breaking through thousands of years of oppression and ignorance.

Determination Produces Your Destiny

The Lords of Time
Maureen St. Germain

The Lords of Time are here to answer your questions. As you [Maureen] have surmised, you are observing adjacent timelines that show one of your timelines is slightly ahead of the next one.

The Crystalline Universe

Jaap van Etten

In last month’s article, we looked at the second world, which resonates with Mother Earth’s mental body and the elemental power of water.1 This second world is also known as Lemuria, Mu, or the Motherland. We mentioned several aspects of Lemuria, but there is much more to share

If It Matters to the Soul, It Matters to Creation

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Meta-matter superhuman essence masters, creation awaits the joy of receiving each new lighted soul imprint. Let’s review your awareness of light-energy physics to answer the question since many of you have accepted your re-essenced light.

Know Yourself on All Five Levels

Centre of A
Debbie Anderson

You, dear child, live in a world in which you are not supposed to know everything, but it is important that you at least know yourself on the five vibrational levels of spirit, body, soul, mind, and you. We relate the human experience to the finely woven layers of a spider’s web.

A Force Majeure

the Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

You’ve mentioned that our collective vibration can be raised by negative events as well as positive ones and that positive energy can be generated by traumatic events, such as 9/11. Can you please expand on this?

There Is No Challenge You Cannot Meet

Mother of Light
Shockara Starbeings
Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde
and Mahatma Gandhi
Blue Turtle

Mother of Light: Beloved child of light, I watch you lovingly as you sleep and dream after a productive day of service. I am present with you as you rest and slumber, assuring that you are safe. You mean so much to me and to the world.


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