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New Age Notes

Dyan Garris

What do you get when you combine a relaxing spa day with psychedelic rock? The answer is easy. You get Spadei. The supergroup Spadei consists of veteran musical talents Wally Ingram, Tom Freund, and Stevie Blacke.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I am retired from the FBI. I had a dream that I was back on the job and working with my same boss, who is also retired. We were searching at night for evidence in the woods, but we didn’t know what we were looking for. I kept thinking I was wasting my time. — Anonymous

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

Blessings from Sedona, Arizona, my dear friends and soul family. As we reach this beautiful month of springtime and rebirth, I am sharing information regarding ancient Egypt and the akashic records.

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

We have all tasted the bitterness of life. Maybe we don’t characterize it this way, but we do tend to gravitate toward problems rather than solutions. Chances are, we need a little more appreciation and gratitude.

The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

The month of May brings beautiful memories of my childhood and the Blessed Mother. People celebrated coronation ceremonies in May by placing crowns of flowers on the Mother Mary statue in the church courtyard. They honored this Jewish woman who was the mother of Jesus Christ.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Hi, everyone, I’m Sherman — the calm, cool, and handsome one. My brother, Monty, is the hyper and scattered one. [Giggles.] We’re sharing our latest adventure with our Grammy, who has dementia. We take care of her the best we can, and we do a very good job.

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

May 1: I am completed. I am fulfilled by releasing judgment (black tourmaline). I Wonder One, our love is strong. Our trust lives in our faith confirmed, and we speak responsibly, conscious of our words.

Ask the Angels

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

From the angels: Our love is unbounded, eternal in fullness, and a celebration of your aliveness. We are entities of the holy light of God, in God’s light at all times. Through this light, we have powers beyond those of humans.

The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

You have an entourage of energetic assistants for all aspects of life. Communicating your requests for assistance to these invisible partners is as simple as using your thoughts, feelings, and imagination. Spirit allies are available to everyone.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed that my recently deceased parrot, Louie, was on the floor, walking around. My best friend’s dog cornered him and stepped on him. I intervened and picked up Louie, but he was deflated like a balloon. I kept walking while holding him, trying to figure out how to reinflate him.


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