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New Age Notes

Dyan Garris

Louis Anthony DeLise is an award-winning composer, conductor, and pianist best known for his work in the classical, New Age, and contemporary music scenes.

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web

Maria Yracébûrû

From Grandmother Naylin Lagé: The fundamentals of the Fifth World of Peace are known. The energetic paradigm already exists, but it is unperceived by your newly awakening sixth sense and the alienation is still healing. This year lays the path. Hozhoni naslee — beauty is everywhere.

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

Welcome to Akashic Answers predictions for 2024. We are now firmly immersed in the Aquarian akashic records. Over the past ten years, we have been shown many of the new “akashic programs” for living our best lives here on Earth.

Benevolent Outcomes

Tom T. Moore

Tosca writes: My daughter and I went to the library, and when we came out, we could not find her car keys. The temperature was well over 100 degrees, and we searched frantically for the keys in every imaginable place with no luck.

Essences of Nature

Mary Ann Altamarino Antenucci

As I continue to work with flower essences, I am in awe of how they choose to share their wisdom. Sometimes the color of the flower speaks. Sometimes the shape and orientation of the blossom inspire. Most of the time, the bloom vibrates with insight and personal information

The Crystal Garden

Margaret Ann Lembo

Guidance from the Divine is available to you at all times. Use your inner knowing to uncover selfknowledge and self-realization for personal development and spiritual awakening. You predict your future based on your decisions to create your desired reality.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Robbi: I came to horses late in life. I was in my forties when I bought my first, having always wanted to discover the magic of connecting with horses whom I knew to be very sensitive and sentient beings. Horses will demand that you stay in the moment with them when you ride.

The Secret Wisdom of Animals

Kim Malonie

Robbi: I came to horses late in life. I was in my forties when I bought my first, having always wanted to discover the magic of connecting with horses whom I knew to be very sensitive and sentient beings. Horses will demand that you stay in the moment with them when you ride.

Dream Zone

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I dreamed I had golden retriever legs. All I remember from the dream is thinking, “Damn girl, shave those legs!” Please help. — PJ, Waukesha, WI

Akashic Answers

Amanda Romania

Blessings from Sedona, Arizona and welcome to Akashic Answers with Amanda Romania. This month, we are focusing on personal energy and the akashic energies we are creating within and around us.


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