Gillian: As all known reality drops out from under us, we come to a conjunction of tears and fears. We feel caught in a dream we cannot wake up from. Reality seems like plastic wrap, sticking and tightening all around us, remaking us on a daily basis.
We have named the years 2012 through 2025 “the cycle of undoing.” You have passed the midpoint of that cycle, meaning that most undoing has occurred but some is still underway. Much undoing has taken place both culturally and personally.
You are blessed beings, indeed. I am the one you know as Jesus. We want you to think about your personal journey as you are going through these transformations that your society is experiencing. It’s very important for you to allow yourself the feelings that you have.
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I view 2021 as the year of Earth repair. An awakening will occur and a general agreement reached that humanity must work toward this goal. This might sound easy and very optimistic. How can such a transformation occur?
The Source of Divine Oneness has touched your soul, awakening your consciousness. You have quickened, time has accelerated, and you now stand in the center of the Sacred Source as an element of change. What does this mean?
Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is the second channel of four, which we are calling “The Healing Channels.” In review, the first is the chemistry of the body, a very three-dimensional engine. The second is the inheritance of physical ancestors.
Humanity only embraces change when the alternative is too painful. This is just part of the human experience, as we are consumed with our little corners of the world and experiences. Since humanity does not seek change, change must move us forward, whether we’re ready for it or not.
Tom: On April 20, 2011, the Hathors released a planetary message entitled “Transition States,” which addressed the multidimensional nature of personal and collective transitions.
Many of you accepted your quantum mastery in 2020, and many more of you will follow rapidly in the five to ten years ahead. The last act before accepting mastery is a sacred moment throughout the cosmos.