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What We Do Now

Amma the Divine Mother
Cathy Chapman

Oh, my precious ones. I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers, and I am your mother. I carried you in my womb, and I carry you within my womb. You were always there, and you never leave. I come today to talk about love.

All Matter Is of Essence

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Quantum masters, from flatline to flash point in one drop of essence you go. Through the lens of the heart of creation in the biophysics of life, all that creation really cares about is experiencing your essence heart with and through you. Only essence matters, and all matter is of essence.

Have Faith and Live the Light

Metatron and the Wisdom of Creation and the Great Wisdom
Judith K. Moore

Metatron and the Wisdom of Creation: The opening and flow of light into the world on December 21 was unprecedented, as Creation was primed for the Genesis force that expands the dimensions and affirms the oneness of reality. You have been asked to have faith in this process.

Cleanse Your Energy Field during Planetary Events

The Arcturians
Juliano and the Arcturians and Helio-ah
David K. Miller

Juliano: Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians! This is a time of tremendous planetary crisis. You are sensitive starseeds, and many of you are empaths, which means you are extremely sensitive to the pain and suffering occurring.

The Voice of Spirit Is Calling

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, as more dear souls awaken to the nudging of spirit, it is time to review some of the fundamental teachings of expanded consciousness.

Humans’ Free Will in Limited Awareness

The Founders
Jaap van Etten

We are the Founders, the first human souls who came to Earth. We guide and support humanity to function as cocreators with Gaia. We are aware of the challenges humans face in this world, the fourth world.

Redefine the Power of Presence

One Life
Catherine Weser

Presence is spoken about by many and in many places, yet you might not know what is actually referred to as being present. We say that being present is primarily being free from the illusion of time. Time is a human construct that has been overlaid on experience.

Cocreate with the Creator

Lord Melchizedek
Natalie Glasson

Greetings, beloved beacons of light. I am Lord Melchizedek, and it is an honor to be in your presence.

Tap into Your Truths

The Fully Integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

The intensity of coming months has been widely predicted, as you continue to shift into higher-dimensional states of being. In your early days on this planet, you still carried viable encodings from your stellar and cosmic origins.

Hold Open the Great Portal for Reintegration in 2021

Archangel Zadkiel
Sri Ram Kaa

We are here. You are at a great time of enlightenment. When you embrace the moment, the year, and the opportunities, all flows in many different ways.


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