We all feel lonely and a little lost at times. We could be in a relationship or want to be in a relationship and yet desire to feel a deeper connection to ourselves and others. We yearn for what we can’t have and dismiss what we do have.
Hello, everyone. This is being channeled from the animal kingdom, elemental kingdoms, and all sentient beings to bring you a message of high importance that we know will resonate in your hearts.
Laura writes: I lost my hearing aid and felt despaired because I was facing other medical bills. The thought of having to replace it was just too much. I thought for sure that I’d lost it near the elevator on the first floor of my apartment building.
February 1: I ground in the courtship (cockatoo) dance of life. It comes from Creator, showing us strength in compassion. We need only prove ourselves to ourselves and Spirit. Wisdom comes from experience. We know we are ancient at birth.
From the angels: Yes, this was Jesus. This was real and not a deception of the mind. This was only for you to see, and the image has remained with you through life as a blessed vision.
We start each new year with resolutions and revelations. For the most part, we have the best of intentions to make those long-overdue changes to our health, relationships, employment, and circumstances that we wish to improve.
Kate writes: My life is so much better because of MBOs, and I use them so much that sometimes I forget what life used to be like before I knew about them. It’s just part of my routine now to request an MBO if something isn’t quite going my way.
Hello and welcome. I am the Heart of the Mother, the source of creation and the loving cosmos. Together, Father Sun and I spiral and spin love into existence.