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Be Productive; Have Patience

Sanat Kumara
Maureen St. Germain

This is your time for patience and productivity. “Peace” is another byword for this time. Many changes are happening within you and in your world. You are being asked to rise to a higher level than you have been in this lifetime and perhaps in all lifetimes.

Going through the Heart’s Stargate

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Light master, are you ready or have you already gone through your heart’s New Earth stargate to merge with the higher realms? This allows the atom’s physical matter and the etheric quantum nonphysical realms to merge into supernova prima/conscious matter.

Going through the Heart’s Stargate

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Your DNA Connects You to Others

Kenton David Bell

Greetings. We are a multidimensional conglomerate of consciousness with the goal of guiding and perhaps doing a bit of midwifing for humanity. We are from a higher dimension, and we connect to you through our DNA.

Keepers of the Gates

the Avatar Grace Elohim
Alison David Bird

Are you a keeper of the twelfth gate? Consider the meaning of these words. Do they resonate for you? The twelfth gate is not an ornate iron trellis swinging on enormous hinges and forged by angels.

It Is Time to Serve Others

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde Mahatma Gandhi and Shockara Starbeings
Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde : Beloved child of the Creator, you are ready to where you are needed to do your sacred service for the Creator.

Dive Deep into the Great Mystery

The Pleiadians
Sylvia Bucek

February 2, 2023, marked a milestone within the monumental cosmic events playing out globally. The universe often expresses itself in terms of numerical values with numbers having vibrational essences. That date has the energetic frequency of 11 — the stargate to enlightenment.

Use the Wind of Intuition

Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I receive so many questions about how things work. I discussed this one earlier today: “How do intuition and the field work?” I gave a channeling some months ago, which I will now repeat in an abbreviated form.

The Coming Years of Purging, Clearing, and Expansion, Part 2

Hilarion and Amma
Cathy Chapman

Hilarion: I wish to give a strategy to help you stay balanced during the purging of low-vibration energy on this planet. I will not speak long, as Amma wishes to give the primary message.

The World as We Know It, and Beyond

Jeshua Ben Joseph
Judith Coates

Beloved one, what is beyond 3D reality? Is there life beyond holy Mother Earth? You know the answer: It is yes. You have stories of angels who are not earthbound, whose experiences go beyond human. Ones have travled to space, sending pictures back from the Moon, another holy body.


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