I greet you in the highest love. You are beloved by so many of my realm. Much beautiful adventure filled with passion, love, and a massive amount of healing awaits to benefit you and those you help to find greater love during this great shift.
When you awaken to the power of oneness, your soul begins to remember its origin from the Source of Oneness. You might experience times of amnesia and lose your way for a time, but your soul brings you Home to the light.
We are well into the year of transition, and you might be feeling the strong shifting energies of this 7 (the number of transition or change in Lemurian numerology) year, thinking, “Is this really what I signed up for?” Yes, it is.
From the realms of the vast unknown to this world of form, we bow before you. With the smile of eternal recognition and the abundance of universal cocreation and cooperation, we welcome you into this sacred celebration of support and universal love.
You must wake up if you wish to rise above this world of illusion, but that is not necessary if you plan to stay unconscious and continue with the illusion. If you know, in your heart, that greater awareness and expression wait for you as a being of light, I would like to assist.
The Divine Mother: Greetings. Much is occurring on Earth that could lead any being into despair for what will occur next and what might become of your life. I flow forth to comfort you.
Merlia: Greetings, dear ones. I join you this marvelous day in a very magical way. We’ll tell you something we told the Keeper a very long time ago: Your planet will go through many changes in your lifetime.
In the beginning, when humans first came to Earth and consciousness was not enmeshed in form, humans had no difficulty shifting to different dimensions.
It is with great honor and respect that I come forward to communicate with you, from one goddess to another. Indeed, the spark of the Divine Mother is lit and alive in the well of your heart space.
Melody, this is Grandfather. These days, there are a great many beings from other planets that have found a way to be closer to the peoples of Earth. Many peoples on Earth are now having dreams. Some of them, these dreams, are wonderful, marvelous.