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Continue to Work for Justice

Continue to Work for Justice Mahatma Gandhi and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde through Blue Turtle

Mahatma Gandhi: Beloved children of God, as you meet the vast challenges of this place and time in history, I commend you for your passionate and courageous actions to end systemic racism in the world. You have suffered and know what it means to be left behind and left out. You have been diminished, and you have been threatened to stay in your established, limited, and imprisoned lives.

You will not be held back from your full life and potential anymore. You will not be spit on and brutally attacked by evil people who do not treat you as equal. You will not be humiliated and shamed for just being who and what you are as sacred holy children of God.

United together in love and light, supporting each other as sisters and brothers, you are changing the universe in magnificent ways. You will no longer tolerate any discrimination or inequality within the law, as you are entitled to your birthright of freedom and justice.
