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Dance in the Moonlight

Dance in the Moonlight Mother of Light and Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde through Blue Turtle

My beloved children of light, I envision you creating marvelous things in the world as you grow in relationship with Spirit at this special time of the year. You are moving into the time of diminishing light when greater communication with the other worlds and dimensions is apparent while the veil thins. The pregnant, increasing night calls you to understand your deepening relationship with the Mother and Goddess energies.

Allow yourselves to take time to be quiet and still in the potency and potential of the darkness as it envelops you to reflect and grow within its womb. You will see how you resonate with the light emanating from your very core. You glow and shine within its vast expanse and abundance.

Move with the Stars

Dance with others in the delight of the emerging full moon, realizing how you are nourished by its powerful, life-giving energy coming from its constellation with the Sun. Moon and Sun reflect and integrate their urges and desires in you and through you as you experience their sacred marriage.
