Walk Lightly into the Day of Your Ascension
Walk Lightly into the Day of Your Ascension Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) through Judith Coates
Beloved one, we will now speak of something you have heard about for some years. You have been reading the prophecies for this year of 2012 and you have been wondering, "What is going to be happening in the twelfth month of this year? Is it going to be as some have prophesied, a great change that is going to mean the upheaval of everything I have ever known where I am going to have to hide myself, my foodstuffs, and everything that is important to me? Am I going to have to live as the cave dweller that I have been in other lifetimes?"
Or is it going to be another kind of change? Is it going to be a change that you have truly prayed for, asked for, and been preparing for? As I have said to you many, many times, you are the makers of your reality — with a lower case r. You are the makers of your hologram, that which you feel to be your reality. You are powerful — more powerful than you have ever been told that you are.
The Drama and Degradation of Your Earth Lives
You have lived lifetimes when you have been so small and so degraded in the view of those who should know — and told you that they did know — that you were not worthy even to know yourself as a being. They told you that you were just something to be used, and when one of them was finished with you, you were just something to be cast aside.
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