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It Is Time

It Is Time Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde and Shockara Starbeings and Mother of Light and Mahatma Gandhi through Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde: Beloved children of the Creator, it is time to spread your wings and fly. The fall season brings colder weather as the final harvest is gathered. Cooler winds flow from the high mountains into the valleys and across the plateaus. The birds and other animals feel the changes and prepare their caves and safe havens.

This is a powerful season and sacred year to get in touch with the ancestors, elders, and Creator. As darkness grows and daylight decreases, you long to move deeper within. You want to understand what is important for you to know now. As the daily movements of light and shadow intertwine over the mountainous landscape and the season unfurls, I am grateful to connect with you in deeper ways. I want you to use what you have learned this past year to create a new framework of understanding in your life and service.
