Beloved one, you are a great ray of light. You are much more than the body and personality that you identify with in this time and space. You are the splendor that lights the morning sky. You are the cloud that passes in the vast blue sky.
The light of Metatron that infuses reality is the pure essence of Source Oneness. It is the light of creation, which forms patterns of living geometries created from base energies on an elemental level.
Let’s talk about judgment. When you begin to judge people, situations, and things, you literally run the energy of judgment through your body and your trillions of atoms and cells. It is like saying: “I am guilty!” Please do not judge yourselves or criticize yourselves in this way.
Beloved masters, never forget that your nearest and dearest friend should be yourself, your soul consciousness. Within your sacred heart center, you will find wisdom, compassion, patience, and most importantly, unlimited, sacred love.
Because knowledge is bigger than you are, it’s not always accurate to say, “I know this,” “This came from my highest self,” or “This came from my soul’s knowing.” It’s not always appropriate for you to know or understand where the knowing comes from. It’s like a field.
Greetings from all of us here preparing to bring you a message from the other side. We will have a meeting of the minds, as you are partial to saying. Inspiration comes to you from many sources as you maneuver daily life. Some things you act on; others, you choose to dismiss.
Take a holy breath. It will see you through the last of the paradigm shift in these end days. The end and the beginning come together as seamlessly as a circle. Having come full circle, you must embrace the great leap forward coming your way to move expeditiously into a new beginning.
Divine beings of great light, love, and presence, the fluidity of the mastery presence’s energy has abundantly ignited for you through the great, manifest realms of all illuminated divine presence. We come forward today with presence.
New Earth remains a genetic universe, and it is being fully restored to genetic integrity and sovereign freedom. It’s all part of the disclosure and truth of who you are as a species and what your soul-spirit’s IAM-DNA potential carries in your bio-essence soul codes.