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Healing Hearts

Healing Hearts Teacher through Miriandra Rota

Greetings! I come forth to speak with you, my dear lovely beings, for this month of the heart. Isn’t that what it is? During this month, so many beings reach out with love for those they care deeply about. Then there are those expanded-consciousness beings who pause for a moment and breathe forth love for the entirety of humanity, Earth, and all its creatures. Now, don’t feel guilty if you haven’t done that yet this year or any other year. Sometimes life grabs hold of us, and we forget that we are parts of a huge, magnificent gathering of beings daring to reside incarnate during this time of great change.

Let’s take a moment to speak about love and love lost. Many beings ache for lost ones, those who were once with them but, by some unholy circumstances, are no longer in physicality. We can dream up reasons for those missing ones and what happened to them, but the truth remains that your hearts ache for them. At times, you think of yourselves as those who are left behind. You aren’t really that, but sometimes you think of yourselves as that. That’s not a crime, my dears, it simply speaks to your heart pain. Let’s enter this solution together, shall we? It won’t change the external cause and effect, but it might give you more than relief; it might give you peace
