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Saying ""Enough!"" to the Darkness

Cristi Jenkins

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Abide in the Place of Communion: Wisdom on Meditation

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
Judith Coates

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Rewire Yourself to Live from the Heart

Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, I am the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am your mother. You grew within my womb, and you continue to reside within my womb. I continue to fill you with love and to nurture you. There is nothing you need to do to receive my love and nurturance.

Speeding Up the Shift in Consciousness — or Not?

Gaia and the Feline Beings of Sirius
Jaap van Etten

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be
Elliott Eli Jackson

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

The Birth of the New Superuniverse

The New Ascended Masters
Maurene Watson

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

The Location of the Mind

The Spirit of Space and Gabriel et al.
Arthur Fanning

We are going to talk about what is coming toward you that will have an impact on the physical form that you are in. It is going to come and hit you; you are going to feel it out of nowhere. It is already around you, already around you. It is already there. You are walking toward it.

The Next Plane of Existence

The group
Steve Rother

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!

Love Yourself as I Love You

Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am your mother. As your mother, I love you unconditionally. This means it does not matter what you do or do not do or what has or has not happened to you. Nothing will change the love I have for you.

Explore the True You

Channels of Light
Thelma Bodnar

Read this article in full in the March issue of the Sedona Journal!


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