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Become a Torch

Supreme Creator Goddess

A daily ritual to cleanse all your chakras and bodies allows you to align, balance, and harmonize with higher beings and dimensions and become a torch to light all the cosmos. The cosmos needs your light just as Earth does right now. The cosmos runs on light.

The Unknowable Will Become Known in the Fifth Dimension

Juliano and the Arcturians
David K. Miller

Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. It is interesting to note that each higher dimension allows you to be closer to the Creator. That is, when you go up to the fifth dimension, you will have the ability to be closer to the Creator than you are now in the third dimension.

The Essence of the Vibration of Creation Shifts Reality

Universal Oneness and the Cosmic Gnosis
Judith K. Moore

You are living in the most wondrous time that has ever been known to humankind. The structures of reality are forming coherent patterns with the divine harmonics of the forces of Creation.

Live Your Life in Love

Karinna Nielsen

The new dimension’s energies are pervasive on your Earth plane now, and because of this, you may occasionally feel out of balance or unsteady.

The Three Great Attributes of Mastery

The Essene Brethren
Kira Raa

Yes, it is with great and reverent joy that we illuminate today to welcome you. Welcome to this great and glorious divine reunification.

The Presence of Now

The Essences
Ari Regala

Divine wondrous beings, we are excited to discuss the nature of your true divinity. All that has been created up to this point has been an allowance of your being — an allowance of the One Being of All Creation. Knowing this creates instability in some.

Future Libraries Will Be Interdimensional

Nancy Robinson

Good morning. I am Mikos, and my entourage and I have been waiting for you on the doorstep to the Library of Porthologos, where the white alabaster steps twinkle with the sparks of embedded crystals and diamonds. The steps lead into the great halls of our library inside Earth’s vast interior.

Access the Wisdom of Your Higher Self

Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, with ascension, you attain a clearer awareness of self and accept that you are a white-fire seed-atom facet of Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within yourself, you come to realize your intimate connection with All That Is.

Gratitude May Be Your Saving Grace

Miriandra Rota

Teacher: Greetings to all who receive these words! I am Teacher, and I come forth to speak with you on a topic that you already know so much about. Now, don’t roll your eyes when I say the topic.

The Magic Has Begun!

Observer and Keeper of Time
Steve Rother

Observer: Greetings, dear ones. You are the magicians of the game board, for you have created magic, not even knowing where you are. I am Observer, and I have joined you this day with a vision of motion faster than you ever thought possible.


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