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My Disciples, Then and Now

My Disciples, Then and Now Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) through Judith Coates

Beloved one, I will continue with my life story. It was most enjoyable to have some time with Mary — Mariam — before I began to know the guidance to teach, to share. I did not just come back from India and Tibet and begin my "ministry." There were some years there when I had the family life. That is not recorded in your Bible. The Bible skips over quite a bit.

It was during this time that my biological father, Joseph, passed on, and it was questioned in the family that since I was the oldest son, according to Jewish culture, I should take over the family affairs and stay at home with my focus on the family. But I knew, and the family knew as well, that this was not my divine purpose.

So my brother, James, took over that responsibility, which freed me to begin what has become known now as my ministry. I never called it my ministry. I called it my sharing with friends. Anyone who wanted to dig deeply into understanding themselves and understanding life was my friend, was my family.
