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Goodness Lies in the Heart of Humanity

Goodness Lies in the Heart of Humanity Grandfather Shaman of Mesa Verde through, Mahatma Gandhi through, Mother of Light through, and Shockara Starbeings through Blue Turtle

Grandfather Shaman: Beloved children of the Creator, cold winds are blowing, bringing in more rain, snow, and sleet as the temperatures keep bouncing around. The valleys and byways of the Four Corners region are undergoing both a thawing and refreezing from the dueling cold and warm fronts that have come through. There is a great, silent hush over the area as you contemplate how you will move forward. More severe dark clouds and storms keep coming in, entering the sacred landscape. Mother Earth is gearing up and preparing for another onslaught of severe climate and weather. So much has changed over the past years, as habitual weather patterns have effectively brought increasing drought, decreasing the quality of life. Many areas on Mother Earth are increasingly being affected with severe flooding and drought.
