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Alison David Bird

Alison David Bird, CHt, is the coauthor of Marconics, Volume 2: Angels of Atlantis and the avatar Grace Elohim. A creator-level oversoul, Grace is fully integrated within Alison’s biological vehicle. They do not channel conventionally. Information is transferred via kelontic data streaming. Alison, a former medical journalist, finally accepted her role as a psychic healer in 2008. In 2012, she was contacted by Pleiadians of the GFL, and in 2013, she was bestowed with Marconic Energy, for which she has been custodian over many lifetimes.

By this Author

The Sword of Truth - August 2024
The Deep Midwinter - February 2024
Sacred Mirrors - January 2024
Guardians of the Gates - November 2023
The Great Divide - October 2023
A Force Majeure - September 2023
The Law of Communication - August 2023
Masters of Time - June 2023
The Un-tempered Law - May 2023
Keepers of the Gates - April 2023
Take the Lead - March 2023
The String of Pearls - February 2023
The Waters of Earth - October 2021
The Illusion of Free Will - September 2021
Grace Under Fire - June 2021

