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Take Care of Yourself

Take Care of Yourself Susan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, August is a 9 month. This is a time of release and completion. What no longer serves you is coming to an end this month. You’ve had seven months of living with the 1 energy and manifesting what you want for the next nine years. Most likely, life has been busy and full. This 9 month gives you an opportunity to reassess your desires and eliminate all the unnecessary bits of your life. If you’ve done your work, a 9 month can be easy and a blessing. If you’ve ignored your intuition and procrastinated, it can be a hectic month. Trust that whatever disappears from your life is for the greater good and will lighten your load. Friendships might end, or old habits might die. Allow and release whatever wants to go. Unconditional love and forgiveness will now benefit you the most. Find a moment for yourself, and use your creative energy. Take time to volunteer to serve humanity in some way. Most of all, trust in the Divine in all things.
