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Tools for Conscious Living

Christmas: A Time of Giving and Love

Heather Robb

When we think of Christmas, we think of trees filled with glittering lights and shiny balls and presents under the tree. We may rejoice in the chaos Christmas offers as we trawl the shops and wander down decorated, festive streets.

She Walks the Red Rocks

Patrice Pittman

She walks the red rocks between Earth’s upheaval of massive buttes and spires sculpted by wind and rain and colored by hematite that stains the white quartz sandstone red.

Cleanse Your Crystals for Earth’s New Light

Heather Robb

Do your crystals call to you? Mine do. I was called to make a mandala from some of my thousands of crystals, and it remains on a hexagonal table under a northeast-corner window. Creating this took many years.

For the Divine Human

Heather Robb

The other day, an old friend sent me the notes that I wrote at the time of the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020. As I reread them, I spiraled back to those sacred energies. That period of time was very mystical, and the light shone like never before.

Elevate the Ego into Your Fifth-Dimensional Mind

Ilona Anne Hress

When the third-dimensional heart has the opportunity to heal from the hurt it’s experienced, the ego’s judgments and frustrations are exposed for healing and evolution.

To Choose Light

Phyllis Light

There is a huge conflict in our world today.

Enhance Your Lion’s Gate Experience

Dawn Fleming

Those of you on a strong spiritual path are constantly receiving activations from the galactic and cosmic realms when you stay aligned in higher vibratory states and do your inner work.

Play, Pray, and Just Be You

Pamela Hansen

What works for one person may not work for another. We are all divinely created, unique, and special. Each living creature has a personal blueprint, just as each snowflake has its own unique pattern.

Ask the Angels

Cheryl Gaer Barlow

From the angels: When a soul moves itself upward in all ways and a person’s words and actions reflect the beauty of the soul, the light of the soul glows on Earth. Not only do all souls in the universe see this, but all souls on Earth do.

Your Heart Is a Powerful Force

Lee Harris

Energy intuitive Lee Harris has been receiving communication from his guides, the Z’s, for twentyfour years. These communications have allowed him to help hundreds of thousands of people around the world through his events, books, podcasts, and monthly “Energy Update” video forecasts.


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