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Tools for Conscious Living

What Will You Do for Personal Growth?

Debbie Anderson

Yes, we are already in another new year, and there are more milestones and memories to create. In January, did you set your sights on what you would achieve? Did you tell yourselves, “This is the year that I will achieve ‘this’ or ‘that’”? Yes, I am talking about resolutions.

The Magical Mystery Tour of Life: Insights from Cayce, the Gnostics, and Quantum Physics

Peter Canova

Mysteries are slippery things to the rational mind because, by definition, they deal with matters beyond the phenomenal world of the senses. The Greek roots of the word “metaphysical” are meta (after or beyond) and physica (the physical).

Buddha’s Relic

Heather Robb

Long ago in China, a man I will call “Han” (to protect his identity) would dream about the ancient relics hidden in his country. In time, Han gave up his job to follow the calling in his dreams.

Awakening through Reflection

Suzanne Ross

re inherently perfect regardless of the apparently imperfect conditions of our bodies or minds. Regardless of what we have been told or led to believe, inside every one of us is a faultless being just waiting to be revealed in all its glory, power, and unlimited potential.

Return to Eden

Heather Robb

I woke this morning knowing that I was in Eden. It was very early, and a light rain had just stopped. The golden early morning light turned to a deep pink. Birds sung loudly, and the fragrance of wet Mother Earth filled the bedroom.

Believe in Yourself

Debbie Anderson

I truly believe that we are drawn in a particular direction for a reason. Maybe it is about revisiting and forgiving. Maybe it is about embracing and learning. Whatever it is, when we are pulled toward something with complete synchronicity, we learn something.

The Ascension Timeline

Suzanne Ross

The past few years have been quite a ride, but we’ve survived. Now, we’re fully immersed in the pivotal year of 2024.

Chakra Balance for the New Year

Heather Robb

It’s January already, the beginning of a new year. The Christmas decorations are put away, and the holiday times have passed. Now as the new year begins, many think about what it may bring. Spirit gifted me a wonderful meditation the other day that, to me, is perfect for a new year.

Hope for Humanity

Suzanne Ross

I am an eternal optimist who has faith in the divine plan for humanity. This divine plan is laid out like a curriculum containing lessons for our souls to master, both personally and collectively.

Own Your Multidimensional Awakening

Dawn Fleming

Do you want 2024 to be a year of transformation, expansion, and joy — perhaps a multidimensional awaking? Of course, you do. Let’s talk about how to make this happen and how to make it last.


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