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Book Excerpt


Jonathan Waller

“O the sun of the world will ascend, dazzling, and take his height— and you too, O my Ideal, will surely ascend!”
— Walt Whitman (Sun trine Jupiter)

A Year of Forgiveness

Tina Louise Spalding

You are blessed beings, indeed. I am the one you know as Jesus, and this is your year. This is the year you have chosen to do A Course in Miracles. And what a year it will be. This is the year that you are acting in accord with truth, the truth that you really don’t like what your mind produces.

Angels Don’t Have Wings

Gene Schmitz

One night when I was thirteen years old, something happened to me that was much stranger than anything I’d ever experienced before. After falling asleep in my bed, I awoke to find myself floating near the ceiling in the corner of the very small bedroom I shared with one of my brothers.

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