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Listening to the World

Listening to the World The Collective Soul Consciousness through Carolyn Gervais

The collective consciousness of your galaxy is working to deepen the development of human emotion to that of compassion. The ability to be receptive to what goes on around you brings forward sensitivity and therefore empathy for even a seeming stranger’s well-being, especially when noticing that they may be in a dangerous situation. Of course, such an occurrence can also be seen as a soul agreement between the people involved, an agreement they each chose before birth, which has the potential of pulling them together at an agreed on spiritual moment in time.

Your human world cannot continue to wallow in the energy of corrupt power from leaders who have no integrity or love for the people they serve. You the people, wherever you are in the world, need to awaken to how authoritarian personalities are using their power to rob you of your freedom. Decide to vote out those who do not believe in serving all the people all the time — out with the old and in with the new. It is time to change your lives to those you can love again and that can love you back for the good you are able to create and give to humanity and your world. Your planet needs you to heal it with unwavering love, compassionate peace, and integrity
