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You Are Created for Interdependence

You Are Created for Interdependence Amma through Cathy Chapman

Independence is important to the human, is it not? I also remind you of the importance of interdependence — community, sharing, supporting each other. You could not do what you do without interdependence. Perhaps you have accessed this message using technology. Look around you. How many things in your home would not be there if someone else had not done something to bring them to you?

Be aware and offer thanks. Connect with your book, tablet, or computer. From your heart, feel the energy of those who made those things, who came up with those ideas. Perhaps you want to thank Gutenberg and those who worked with him on the first printing press. Be thankful for the one who first learned how to make thread and weave it into cloth. Offer thanks to the ones who first discovered how to make artificial threads and put those materials together. What tremendous creativity is within the human realm. Give thanks to those who grow your food and to the food itself.
