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The Science of Oneness

To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. — William Blake

The rational mind is hard-pressed to grasp the notion that solid matter is mostly scintillating light dancing in empty space. Mystics, such as William Blake, have written and spoken for millennia about their visions of the unity of all things. For mystics, this understanding comes from direct experience. Such an experience has an ineffable quality. Words to describe it fall short of the full impact it has on them, such that their descriptions tend toward the poetic and lyrical. This makes sense, as in that moment of awakening, the mystic knows himor herself as inseparable from that same light-filled radiance. Mystics experience their oneness with All That Is, a different reality than our usual state of being.
