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Ascension Potentials Update

Ascension Potentials Update The New Ascended Masters through Maurene Watson

Light masters, here is an update of ascension and migration choices for those just initiating their light codes, still awakening, or in the embodied self-realization progression. The bio-ascension, which will progress beyond the laws of physics, technology, and science for your new species bio-cell DNA, has been fully initiated, transmitted, and illuminated by all quantum-soul-master communication-energy consciousnesses.

This free-energy communication opened the New Earth stargates for your local universe’s trans-migrations. Its natural code presents as an essence transhuman — divine-human or embodied — living as a sovereign-master energy communicator or creator. These living-master energy communicators have shifted their lightbodies into the new code imprint DNA essence or the freeenergy gem vessel of quantum-particle interaction.
