The Crystal Garden: A Return to the Garden — Inward Focus for Self-Reflection
The Crystal Garden: A Return to the Garden — Inward Focus for Self-Reflection Margaret Ann Lembo
It has become evident that we are being asked to look at ourselves and to delve deeply into our ways of being in the world. This focus excludes judgments and includes self-knowledge.
We have “installed” many patterns and programs in our consciousnesses through experiences of the past: this life and many past lives. We, as humanity, are being called to wake up and realize how we are meant to interact with each other and with our individual spiritual natures. It is necessary to quiet down long enough to hear our thoughts and to become hyper-aware of the thoughts and words we repeat.
Every thought, word, feeling, and action creates our realities. Thoughts create. They have energetic vibrations that are sent out, much like sound waves. Every thought creates a ripple in time and in reality. Think about how a thought is a wave of consciousness that is broadcast and then ultimately returns to the sender. What goes around comes around.