Mind Your Thoughts and Speech
Mind Your Thoughts and Speech Michelle Karén
Saturn turns direct on September 6 at 2º33’ Capricorn. Its shadow period lasts until December 13, 2018. This degree is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment.” These past months forced us to examine our relationship to structure, discipline, and authority. Clearing our past required hard work. On a renewed foundation, we are now ready to rebuild our lives.
Pluto turns direct on September 30 at 18º45’ Capricorn with a shadow period continuing until January 22, 2019. This degree is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a five-year-old child carrying a bag filled with groceries.” No matter how difficult our challenges seem, nothing required of us is heavier than our shoulders can bear. A new cycle is beginning, allowing us to find and give nourishment by tapping into our deepest resources, gifts, and talents.
Uranus remains retrograde this entire month. Its shadow period lasts until April 23, 2019. The degrees covered this month (2º19’–1º29’ Taurus) are represented in the Sabian symbols by “natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom” and “an electrical storm.” As we simplify our lives, get rid of what no longer serves us, and redefine our relationship to money, we access a completely new level of freedom, bliss, and magic.