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Lock into the Hum

Lock into the Hum Sara Wiseman

When you follow divine guidance, you experience life differently. You recognize that all the plans you have made and all the thoughts you are thinking are ways of moving through this reality we call life. Most of the world moves this way. But you also realize that this left-brain, rational way of thinking is not the only way you can walk your path. There is another option: You can follow your intuition. Or better put, you can allow yourself to be guided.

At first, the idea of following your intuition — really following it as a spiritual practice, even if it makes no sense or goes against the plans you have made — seems like a phenomenally foolish idea. Why would we walk blindly when we can rely on our rational, logical, thinking brain? Why would we wander in the desert of the unknown, waiting for guidance (that is subtle at best and confusing at worst) when we can instead charge forward with certainty, sticking to our plans, sticking to the ways others, the media, our culture, and our society tell us are correct? Why would we walk the path of no path?

When we accept that we are first souls, it becomes easy to understand that we are fully able to communicate with the universe at a soul level any time we need. It is no mystery. There is no great technique.
