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Women: Unite in Love and Peace

Women: Unite in Love and Peace Unidentified Being through Karen Brown

While enjoying the scenic drive from central New Mexico to Durango, Colorado, I began receiving messages from a source that I have not yet identified. I told myself that I needed to write these things down. The voice continued and was also insistent that I write them down. As soon as we reached Durango, I kept my promise. I sat quietly writing until I was sure that I transcribed everything that was told to me. 

Let me start by saying this is not an effort to bash men in any way. Many men have done great things for our planet — Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, and so on. In our present time, there are many men who are in touch with their feminine energies, and they contribute in very positive ways.

Masculine and Feminine Energies Need to Work Together

Unfortunately, this world has been dominated by male energies for hundreds, even thousands, of years. The anger, aggression, power grabbing, and control have not helped this world get very far. While there have been many great advances, particularly in the past hundred years or so, you still have a long way to go. Perhaps now is the time for the feminine energies to step up to the front and see what they can do.
