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Increased Abundance, Healing, and Mastery

Increased Abundance, Healing, and Mastery Michelle Karén

Jupiter is still retrograde this month between 10°21' and 8°50' and will be until December 25. These degrees are symbolized in the Sabian symbols by "a woman watering flowers in her garden," "a Red Cross nurse," and "a fully decorated Christmas tree."1 We continue this month in a time of increased abundance. As we count our blessings, focus on what we love, and beautify it, we create more value in our lives. Seeing and enhancing the magic and beauty that surround us, we help bring more healing and prosperity to ourselves and others.

Uranus is still retrograde until December 9 between 3°32' and 2°25' this month. These degrees are represented in the Sabian symbols by the following images: "two lovers strolling on a secluded walk," and "the cameo profile of a man suggesting the shape of his country." As we join our beloved, our true star family, and the land that deeply calls us, we become one with the divine, find harmony within higher purpose, and manifest spiritual truth. It is a time of remembering who we really are and embodying that truth so that we may achieve mastery.

Neptune continues to retrograde this whole month until November 9. It travels from 29°16' to 28°34' this month. The Sabian symbols associate the following images to these degrees: "deeply rooted in the past of a very ancient culture, a spiritual brotherhood in which many individual minds are merged into the glowing light of a unanimous consciousness is revealed to one who has emerged successfully from his metamorphosis" and "a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis." As we approach the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011, the path to ascension is coming to fruition, bringing us to oneness with the divine while still retaining our individuality.
