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Human Energy Systems: Yin and Yang Energies — The Anatomy of Seduction

Human Energy Systems: Yin and Yang Energies — The Anatomy of Seduction Charles Shahar

Male and female aspects are opposite extremes along a continuum of energy. When these two energies meet, a spark is created. This dynamism is one of the most powerful forces in nature. It is a supremely creative force, because from the union of these opposite energies, physical life arises and perpetuates.

What is female energy, and what is male energy? For those who have a problem with these terms and think they are stereotypical, I will substitute “female and male” with “yin and yang.” Yin energy is considered receptive, yielding, introspective, and nurturing. Yang energy is considered active, dominating, passionate, and initiating.

In the extreme, we have a sense of what a “manly” male is like. It is machismo energy: virile, headstrong, aggressive, and powerful. But females can have strong yang energy as well. Some women have very evident yang characteristics in the ways they behave, the clothes they wear, and so on. So yang energy can exist in both men and women to varying degrees.
