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Healing the Healer, Part 2: The Limitless Potential of Lightworkers

Healing the Healer, Part 2: The Limitless Potential of Lightworkers Anne-Marie Pitre, RCST

I had the honor of meeting Tonya Godin some years ago in Vernon, BC, Canada. We were both practicing our healing modalities at Tidal Elements Healing Arts Studio, a local collective of heart-centered wellness practitioners. Tonya and I connected as friends and spiritually awakened beings, Reiki masters, and practitioners of other healing modalities. We shared an awareness of the limitless potential within ourselves and a deep sense of purpose around helping others recognize and connect with their inner healers.

In our work, we facilitate healing by holding space for our clients. With reverence and love, we witness, without judgment, and honor each individual’s (and our) unique journeys into wholeness.

Recently, I facilitated a couple of distance-healing sessions for Tonya. Many insights arose for both of us from these experiences, and Tonya subsequently suggested that together we write about this topic to take some of the mystery out of it and share what a distance-healing session looks like.
