Follow the Hero’s Journey
Follow the Hero’s Journey Michelle Karén
Five planets out of ten are still retrograde this month: Mercury (October 10 to November 2), Pluto (until October 3), Mars (until November 13), Neptune (until November 28), and Uranus (until January 13). Many situations could revert to previous conditions. We are required to slow down, go within, and ask ourselves deeper questions.
Pluto turns direct on October 3 (22°29’ Capricorn). Its shadow period lasts until January 26, 2021. This degree is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat.” During the past few months, much buried darkness has emerged. Sexual abuse, problems with communication, power struggles, corruption at very high levels, and conflicts with authorities have all emerged from the darkest of darkness. On a personal level, the time has now come to move forward with more strength, clarity, and mastery. A relationship might end while another that’s better suited to true life direction could develop.
Mercury turns retrograde on October 13 until November 2 (11°40’ Scorpio to 27°14’ Libra). Its shadow period remains until November 20. Although Mercury retrograde always gets bad press, this is one of my favorite times. Granted, computers and cars break down, we erase messages without having read them, mail gets lost, miscommunications abound, and appointments are missed. But it is also a time when people we haven’t seen in a long time return to our lives, we remember projects that were collecting dust on our shelves, and the pace of life slows down, enabling us to think more deeply about our goals. This particular retrogradation is likely to bring back a long-lost romance.