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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: We Cocreate the Reality We Live

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: We Cocreate the Reality We Live Maria Yracébûrû

Diiyin’s note: There is no proof, but we’re all involved. There are those who do not understand that we cocreate the reality we live. So far, we still speculate on some of the things we know are to come with this Fifth World we entered in 2012, and we have witnessed some miraculous things amid the chaos of our times. Yes, we have to concede that perhaps things are truly moving forward.

Prayers for October

Coral River, we all have common nobility. We discover what we are here to do.

esonkñhsendehí hike nakia diyiaí pinu: Changing Mother and Rainbow Serpent, spirit that I am. We are family. It is through direct personal experience that we own our relationship to universal evolution, and we find that as starseed humans, we exist.
