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Listen with the Heart of Love

Listen with the Heart of Love Virginia Ellen

Your heart is the sacred heart of the all. Your heart is the center of all knowing. Your sacred heart has access to the supreme intelligence of the Central Sun.

Your heart holds the golden light of unconditional love. Listen with your heart for Earth’s calling to awaken you to your divine purpose. Listen with your heart for people crying out for help. Listen with your heart for the whales, dolphins, and oceans that need to survive.

You are needed and important. The time is now to awaken and serve the whole of life in all dimensions. It is time to become the Christ of God. The Christ is selfless and wants nothing. The Christ receives from the love it gives to all life. The pure love of the Christ is the joy to the world. Joy comes from loving with no agenda. Joy comes naturally from the love you give and the gratitude you feel from giving. You then enter the orbit of love that is one with the universal love of creation.
