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We Can Tap Into Our Many Aspects

We Can Tap Into Our Many Aspects Team Earth and the Crystalline Stellar Skulls through Terra Rae

Did you know that those of us with a high light quotient in our beings have ascended aspects of ourselves? Some of them are right here on Earth in 3D. Some of them are in the galactic realms or in aspects of ascended masters. We may even have an aspect of a member of the Galactic Federation, which has representatives from all over the universe. The Magdalenes for sure have many aspects. Since they have been around the longest, they figured out how to split off, allowing aspects to come to Earth for certain lessons. Some bring aspects that are brilliant, adding light to the planet. Not everyone has other aspects, as possessing another aspect usually signifies previous-life preparation and an advanced understanding of evolution and acceleration.

I have personally gotten to know some of my ascended aspects — who are alive and well — so that I could work with them, assist when I can, and share possibilities for the future. Some have assisted me in Team Earth’s work, where I work with other women to look into past lives and incidents. If one of our aspects had been very prominent on Earth in a certain continent or country, we assist in reactivating the lightwork in that area.

Over the years, we have found and released multitudes of aspects that were captured and hidden in their 5D form. Every time one of these aspects is brought back, it gives us more power and strength, since it is a part of us. I can’t even tell you how many of them we have found and then healed and recalibrated to return to their rightful owners.
