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Take Responsibility for Your Happiness

Take Responsibility for Your Happiness The group through Steve Rother

You know, each of you has beautiful opportunities to be supportive and supported. We see you all as beautiful birds with outstretched wings, flying and sharing the most incredible energies and enjoying the world. When your wings become tired and you must rest, you can either take a break and stop flying, or you can have beautiful angels come under your wings to assist when you are weary.

All animals, people, and even energies have contracts that are activated at the perfect times. However, many of you have not felt that support beneath your wings and wonder whether you might be doing something wrong and need to adjust. We ask you, dear ones, to lean on us when that happens. We are very strong and can hold you until you re-member your own strength and vibration, that beautiful tone that is uniquely yours. You have come to planet Earth with a very specific purpose that is not yet complete; otherwise, you would not be here right now. The reality is you have all done incredible work to be here and invested in Earth and humanity many times. You have the opportunity now to dare to spread your wings, even though you might be tired, and make space for energies to help you hold your light, energy, and love.

We watch with amazement as you go through the changes you are experiencing. We see a tremendous amount of stress on your planet, and there is actually no way to measure it; it is not a pressure or energy level that can be quantified in any way, but all of you feel it. It affects your thinking first and your actions second. Every human being feels this energy that you have been living in for months now.
