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Return to Perfection

Return to Perfection Xenanthium through Hugh Campbell

The grand illusion of Earth has its purpose. There are many paths a soul can take, and Earth is a realm where these paths can be explored without universal ramifications. It is like living within a computer simulation where multiple scenarios can run. Your life experiences provide a rich understanding that cannot be communicated in the realm of perfection. Perfection has a flow to it in which each step is self-evident, yet the spark of individuality (which you all have) inevitably leads to questioning the idea of perfection and whether it could be self-evident. This is called the Adam effect, which most Earth inhabitants learned about in the story of Adam and Eve. Their banishment from the Garden of Eden to the wilderness was an analogy of the break from the flow of perfection and the unknown experiences and consequences of depending on limited human capacities and free will.

The perfection you once knew is not completely gone but now resides within you as the very quiet and subtle voice of intuition. Your free will gives you the opportunity to listen to your intuition. Over time, when people listen to their intuition, they can see the wisdom of it and might find themselves wishing they had listened sooner.

It is the beginning of the path back to perfection when you begin to see why perfection flows as it does. When your life seems to be in complete chaos, it is important to understand that your experience was created from perfection and will ultimately return to it. When you grasp this concept, you will see that everything happening on Earth is perfection and that each person is a soul having the perfect experience created as a means to reach the highest good. Perfection can only create perfection. It is within your capacity as humans to judge and criticize and not see the perfection that each soul has chosen. Each incarnation embeds these lessons deeper into your soul until you have the understanding that perfection is the ultimate expression of love.
