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No One Dies

No One Dies Higher Self through Carolyn Gervais

Do you fear your world is falling apart and that there is nothing you can do about it? The good news is that your Earth is made with the energy of the one and only Creative Force many refer to as God. This Creative Force energy has no beginning and no end and therefore can never go away because it is the only pure, intelligent, loving, and fully conscious energy that permeates everything everywhere called life.

Energy (life) cannot die or go away. It can only change the form or forms it chooses to create and express as self. This takes place in and throughout all the everywheres and everythings imaginable — real or not real, seen or not seen, experienced or not experienced — by a him or her, as a God, an alien, a planet, energy, air, or liquid that any kind of mind can think up to manifest, with or without form.

Why is this? This creative force energy is pure consciousness. This uninhibited consciousness is pure because it is similar to what could only be called an unconditional loving force that can create and re-create itself or cease to be an active force. So that is what we will ascribe to this energy force: It is a pure, uninhibited, creative consciousness that is unconditional love.
