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The Living Alphabet: Connection, Order, and the Letter Ff

The Living Alphabet: Connection, Order, and the Letter Ff Angeline Welk

When people go within and connect with themselves, they realize they are connected to the universe and they are connected to all living things.

— Armand Dimeie

The archetypal spirit of the letter Ff prompts you to connect with your internal life. This unifying letter is singular in its design to involve the totality of your triad nature — body, mind, and spirit. Its archetypal spirit resonates with the seventh spiritual ray now influencing world consciousness and evolution. This ray and the letter Ff highlight qualities of connection, unity, synthesis, and order.

The letter Ff connects your internal world of aspirations and desires with the realms of potential and possibilities. This letter requires you to stand upright with integrity, to identify with your own powers of accomplishment, and to use your imagination for keeping order in your life as thoughts and knowledge surface to your outer mind of awareness.

Movement of the large letter F begins from the archetypal world in conscious writing. From this realm you draw to yourself the assistance of the letter F archetype, reminding you of the importance of order in the activities of your mind and in the ways of directing your life.
